English: Kipling


Rudyard Kipling

The Jungle Book

by Rudyard Kipling

This week, we have been listening to, reading and examining this classic text.  We have looked at the author's use of language and dialogue and have discovered that there are many words that we no longer use in writing today.  When The Jungle Book was written words like thou and ye were commonly used and this can make reading the book tricky nowadays.  We have learnt how to punctuate and change this tricky language to make it more modern.  We have also been writing formal and informal speech.


Following on from The Jungle Book, we have been learning about Rudyard Kipling's other stories, his Just So Stories.  We have been learning about relative clauses and using adjectives to make our writing more interesting.  After learning all about Rudyard Kipling's style of writing we have written some of our own Just So Stories and we are very pleased to share these with you too.

Jasmine reading her Just So Story to Year 5

Keeley reading her Just So Story to Year 5

Kirsty reading her Just So Story to Year 5


The theme of fairy tales has inspired us to write our own choral and performance poetry in Pop Base.  We have examined several poems by other poets, identifying key features that make these suitable for performing.  We have looked at rhyme, repetition and characters as well as onomatopoeia.

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